Monday, 26 September 2011

Art Supplies Online

Click on the picture for links to Conte crayon sites

Claude Monet - Man with a Big Cigar, c. 1855-56
Black and red Conte Crayon, with touches of pastel, on blue-gray wove paper, laid down on cream wove paper, laid down on blue wove paper, 597 x 384 mm. At the Art Institute of Chicago.
Source: Wikimedia

My Comment: Claude Monet was a great painter but he has made a basic error here. Can you spot what it is? Yes, he's made the man's head far too big compared to his body. Unless he really knew someone who looked like that.

Pullingers Art Supplies

Jean Vincent - site dedicated to Conte crayon work

Monday, 12 September 2011

Henri Cartier Bresson

Henri Cartier Bresson was a French photographer.
Amy's painting of a man jumping in a puddle reminded me of this.

Friday, 26 August 2011


This is a detail from the current exhibition at the Arnolfini.
Don't know the name of the artists.

Saturday, 13 August 2011


Gesso is a chalky substance used to prime surfaces before painting in acrylic or oils. It makes colours more vivid as they don't soak into the surface as quickly.

More info: Gesso wikipedia entry; art tutorial

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Grant Bradley Gallery

Exhibition of paintings of Bristol at the Grant Bradley exhibition inBedminster

Friday, 1 July 2011

Jamaica Strret Studios. Open Day

Jamaica Street studios, just off Stokes Croft, Bristol, is opening its studios on July 22nd, July 23rd, July 24th.

Take a look at the artists here

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Arts Trail Today

It's Easton Arts Trail today and tomorrow (18th & 19th June).

Some images from the Trail -

By Nicki Bowers.

I like these paintings. They are all of local places.

Some more snaps from the trail -

Knitted tea set and Battenberg cake.

Knitted laptop computer.

Embroidered picture by an artist called Cedar who teaches the "Artist's Way" course at the Folk House.

Dolls house based on the Mexican "Day of the Dead".

Two "Bristol Birds" by Jane's textile group.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Easton Arts Trail

The Easton Arts Trail is happening soon. Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th of June.

Me and Jane are planning an (unpublished) piece of work.

They asked us (Mivart Street Class) if we'd like to put some of our work at the Eastside Roots place at the station - where we went to on our evening out. The feeling seemed to be that we didn't have enough to show - but maybe we could work towards doing something next year?

The Folk House

The Folk House on Park Street, Bristol. They run loads of arts courses there.

Here is a link to the art courses page - art courses

Here is the main page _ The Folk House.

They run a course on The Artist's Way (I've written about that below)

The Artist's Way

I picked up a book in a charity shop a few weeks ago called The Artist's Way. It's a course supposed to enhance creativity. The author, Julia Cameron, says that creativity is a skill that can be learnt and sets out exercises to do it.
I thought the book was about art, but it is more writing based, although she says the course is applicable to any creative work.

It mainly consists of "the daily pages", three pages of longhand writing that you write out first thing every morning. You can write anything you want, but the important thing is doing it consistently. Then there are "artist dates" - where the idea is to make an excursion by yourself in order to enhance your creativity. It could be all sorts of things - country walk, visit to a junk shop, and so on. I think the idea is to do it by yourself and to step out of your normal routine.

I've been doing it for three weeks. I've faithfully completed the pages every day. I've managed to do one "artist date", which was very rewarding. You're supposed to write some kind of assessment at the end of every week. I haven't done that yet.

I do find it a bit of a problem when the book talks of writing "affirmations". She suggests writing things like "I am a talented and prolific artist". Um... but I'm not.

She makes the point that we are much better at putting ourselves down than we are at praising ourselves, so I might try and work out a way round that. Try and think more positively in my own way.

Anyway, if you're interested here's the link - The Artist's Way

You can buy the book here, or pick it up elsewhere on the internet for a few quid.

Postscript: June 14th. I'm certainly doing more creative things now. How much of that is down to doing these exercises, I don't know; but it must have helped a bit.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Exhibition this week by some people who share a studio in Hamilton House, Stokes Croft. The exhibition is in a shop on Colllege Green, opposite the Council House. It's part of an initiative to use empty shops.

Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Detail from painting for sale in the old Woolworth's building, Whiteladies Road. Didn't get the artist's name.

Unfortunately, Clifton Bazaar ( I think it was called), closed on June 4th, a few days after this photo was taken.